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About Department

The department of Computer Engineering was established in the year 2008. The labs are fully equipped with the state of the art computer systems, open source software’s, licensed software’s and modern teaching aids. Experienced, dynamic and young teaching faculty contributes to the dissemination of technical knowledge and solves the real-time problems along with the students. The Students are motivated to undertake industry-related issues, provide community services and be a part of nation-building. The strong alumni base serving across the nation / world for many years is a milestone in the achievements of the department goals and programme outcomes.

The department is committed to foster the innovation and research attitude in the minds of the youngsters. We are bound to involve in the social and technical mission of the nation.


Our Vision

“To develop professionally competent computer engineers with lifelong learning attitude for serving betterment of society.”

Our Mission

  • To prepare computer professionals through quality education to meet the need of society.
  • To educate students with professionals skills and right attitude that will help them to be successful in their profession.
  • To groom students with moral and ethical values for becoming a useful part of society and environment.


  • The Students will be able to pursue successful career in higher studies or industry.
  • The Students will be able to utilize domain knowledge of computer engineering for solving real life problems.
  • The Students will be able to Demonstrate professional skills through effective communication, teamwork, multidisciplinary approach and ethical behavior with concern to society and environment.